If You Have Asthma, Here's How To Seal Your Home And Filter Your Air For Higher Indoor Air Quality

As of 2013, there were approximately 16,540,000 adults and 6,109,000 children with asthma in the United States. Although no one wants to breathe in air full of pollen or pollution, air quality is especially important for people with asthma. And while you may be able to move to a house farther from highways or work in an office instead of being exposed to fumes as a painter, the place where you have the greatest control over air quality is within your own home.

Close Your Windows

The first step to improving indoor air quality is sealing off your home as much as possible. Open windows may create nice breezes, but those breezes bring in all sorts of allergens and pollutants that you have no control over. In the city, this may be automobile exhaust or factory fumes, but don't think you're immune if you live in the country. Pollen is a serious asthma trigger for people in rural areas.

Remove Shoes

The second way to seal off your home is to start taking off your shoes and leaving them by the door. It's a common custom in many countries, and for good reason: it helps keep your home clean. If you have asthma, it means not tracking dirt or pollutants in from outside. If you can't bring yourself to stop wearing shoes indoors, then at least put floor mats at each entry to your home and be sure you wipe your shoes thoroughly on them.

Use Central Air In Summer

Once your home is set up so that you are bringing in fewer pollutants and allergens from outdoors, you'll want to be able to filter the air that's in your home. The best way to do that is with two things you may already have: central heating and central air. Both of these systems will not only change the air temperature, but also move the air through filters as they do so.

Central air is particularly important because the humid, pollen-filled air of the hotter months can be a serious problem, and keeping it out of your home is especially important. In addition, air conditioners double as dehumidifiers, reducing the risk of growing mold or mildew in your home. And finally, without central air, it will always be a temptation to open your windows to cool your house down.

Keep Up With Maintenance

For both your central air and central heating, it's crucial to check your filters monthly and have annual professional inspections. A clogged filter can actually reduce your air quality, while a malfunctioning air conditioner can actually become a haven for mold. By doing all this, you can keep the quality of the air inside your home high no matter what the air outside is like.

Contact a service like HomeSmart From Xcel Energy for more help.

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What to Do When Your Appliances Keep Breaking Down

Whenever my appliances broke down, I tried to fix them myself to save money. But after my stove caught fire last year, I finally realized that my DIY methods weren't as good as I initially thought. I ended up losing money and damaging my kitchen because of my efforts. Now, I call in the experts to repair my appliances when they experience major problems. I also take the time to learn how to fix small problems with my appliances instead of rely on my old methods. If you're in the same situation and want to learn more about appliance repairs or when to call in an expert, read my blog. You'll find tips that benefit you and your home. Good luck and thanks for stopping by.

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